I adore spending time with Emmanuelle and her family. They could be right out of 1950s television, they are so ideal. Really, one of the healthiest and happiest families I’ve ever met. I wish that everyone I know could have such a loving, generous family. And boy, her mom can cook!!!! (from L to R: Anne-Laure, the youngest, Marie-Christine, Emmanuelle)

My favorite things to do there (not in any particular order, although this list pretty much follows the sequence of each day): 1) take early morning walks on the beach, where there’s only ever a few fisherman, a couple of serious joggers and a scattering of dog-lovers who want to give their pets a swim (normally dogs are not allowed on the beach, sadly…but at this time of day, there’s no one around to spoil their fun and they provide some laugh-out loud moments playing with the waves) and watch the sun come up over the pines.
(You can click on the photo to get a better view of my canine friend.)

2) eat (did I mention that Marie-Christine, Emmanuelle’s mom, is a fabulous cook?). 3) hang out at apéritif and mealtimes with the fun extended family (her aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) 4) ride the bike to the colorful local market to get provisions for yet another unforgettable meal. 5) eat (did I mention that Michel, her dad, also whips up a mouth-watering ratatouille or tapenade in addition to wicked cocktails?) 6) nap after lunch on a lounger in the backyard, under the pines. 7) soak up the sun in the early evening beach sessions, when the crowds have left but it is still hot enough to savor a cool dip in the water. 8) dine on the terrace, with the sun setting over the pines.

9) enjoy the stimulating, always interesting conversation at the table (accompanied by the delicious wines chosen by Michel). 10) read until midnight or so to digest the fantastic meal just consumed and sleep the sound sleep of the vacationing just…to wake up the next morning and start all over again… I’m already looking forward to next summer!!!
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