Today is our day for treatments at the spa (see photo). We all need a good day of RnR, but no one more than Mom, who deserves great congratulations and deep bows for the extremely difficult job of chauffeuring us around Italy in our ridiculously oversized car.

The lanes here are unsettlingly narrow, and all of the freeways we were on suffered from congestion, especially from gigantic trucks and 18-wheelers. Neighboring vehicles like that already make me nervous even in Texas, the land of extra-wide highways and endless visibility, so Mom’s sang-froid and constancy (and velocity!) were impressive in a country that never felt the need to make high-speed thoroughfares in straight lines and where I would only feel comfortable in one of those silly little Fiats that looks like it belongs to a clown troupe so that I could potentially put my arm out the window and not touch the car in the lane next to me…
Hats off to Mamma mia!! (from driving here so much she’s becoming rather Italian by osmosis, boosted by her purchase of beautiful hand-made sandals in Assisi and the massive quantities of pasta we down every day).
Another post to follow our steams, scrubs, massages and facials, meanwhile a few more pics to give you insight into our life under the Tuscan sun…
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